David Hockney - BIGGER And CLOSER - a massive, technically ground-breaking, immersive art exhibition at the newly opened LIGHTROOM Artspace located in London's recently revitalized King's Cross Arts-District

My friend, the artist David Hockney invited me to London to see and photograph the final rehearsals of his newest, technically complex and simply breathtaking, exhibition, "Bigger And Closer." Certainly a most fortunate and profound honored for me. Here are a few of my pictures of this incredible, and hands down, completely unique from all others, immersive art presentation from David Hockney.
"Bigger And Closer" includes motion, films, photographs, animation and the most exceptional asset, his own personal narration. Hockney's ongoing narration creates an atmosphere that makes this huge exhibition feel far more like an intimate studio visit with an old friend. As David guides us through his lifetime of work, he explains the ideas which continue to inspire his art for over 60 years. Now 85, David is up early each morning, working away, with paintings, drawings, photography and now the newer art creating digital technologies.
All the floors and walls, every possible surface is full of art, an equally exciting event for children as well
In his Los Angeles studio, 1970s
In his Los Angeles studio, 1970s
Growing up in the rural country side of Yorkshire, David is deeply moved by nature and landscape; currently much of his time is spent living and making art at his farm in Normandie, France.
DH adding just a few final touches as the hours tick down before the big reveal. "What is he up to now?" Something not to be missed.
Feb. 22 Through Oct. 1
12 Lewis Cubitt Square
London, N1C 4DY
London, N1C 4DY